1 . Download Karaboss

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Create an account in two steps

The registration to Karaboss is performed in two steps. All you need is a valid email address.

Step 1:

  • Click on “Register
  • Fill in the three fields
  • “Username”: this will be your nickname. You will use it to connect to your account.
  • “Email”:  must be valid. You will receive an email with a registation confirmation.
  • “Enter Code”:  a simple code to recognize inside an image in order to check that you are a human being from the earth and not a cyborg of Eckmuhl (they are a little limited)

Click on “Register” button.

Step 2:

  • Open your mail and the email sent by Karaboss. Warning,  it may have been classified elsewhere by your email such as “social networks”, “promotions”, or even “junk mail” 🙂
  • Click on registration confirmation link whitin the email in order to display the password creation page.
  • Chose a password  strong enough to hold more than 30,000 years against a quantum computer. There you go !


  • If you have forgotten your password, you can regenerate it by going to the login page: there is a link at the bottom entitled “Forgot your password? (This is available only if you are already registered. That is to say, you have already a nickname AND a password)
  • If the mail sent never arrives, please post a comment and I will check.

What to download?

Do I have to download Karaboss and its two complements?


Karaboss is a complete application that works perfectly from its installation.
However the addition of two complements will make Karaboss much more attractive to your ears and those of your audience.

To begin: install Karaboss and nothing else

In the absolute, only Karaboss is essential.
From its installation you will have at your disposal all the functions of Karaboss, the Karaoke player, the score editor, the virtual piano etc…
So you can start by downloading and installing only Karaboss and familiarize yourself with its different possibilities (cool!)

Download two complements to improve the quality of the sound

Well, you finally master Karaboss on the fingertips, but quickly you find that the quality of the sound is not at the rendezvous. It is not neither Karaboss nor your PC that are involved, but the use of MIDI files that requires some adjustments.
Click here to find out why and how to fix it.

Once Karaboss mastered, and your ears permanently martyred, do not hesitate to return to this page and download

  • the synthesizer, which will replace the basic one provided by Windows,
  • and the proposed sound bank, which will replace the sounds synthesized by the sounds of real instruments.

Those two addons will greatly improve the rendering of your songs!

The downloads

  1. Karaboss
  2. A new synthetizer
  3. A Sound Bank

3 . Download a SoundBank (Soundfonts)

Download a sound bank (SoundFonts) to emulate real instruments

Why a SoundBank?

Nothing beats the sound of a real instrument. A computer program, as sophisticated as possible, will never render an instrument in a perfect realistic way.

The sound banks, as they contain samples of real instrument, can get you closer to the most realistic sound for your Karaoke player.

More informations on how to improve MIDI sound

Which one?

The sound banks proposed on this page are my favorites and the one I use almost always.

They contain all the 128 MIDI instruments, so you will have no any other manipulation to do once downloaded and set up in the VirtualMidiSynth synthesizer.

Where can I find others?

There are many others available on the internet, some are general, they contain the 128 instruments of the MIDI standard (GM), and others are specialized for a single instrument (piano, guitar etc …).

Share your experience

If you use SoundBanks, do not hesitate to share your experiences, otherwise, start with the one I propose and make your own idea.


Downloading a sound bank (SoundFonts) only makes sense if you have downloaded previously a synthesizer capable of managing it. This is the combination of the two that will allow you to significantly improve the sound reproduction of your MIDI songs.

The SoundBank (SoundFonts) is a creation of E-mu.
A SoundBank contains samples of many instruments.
These samples are in .wav format and are organized as MIDI instruments for use by applications that use this format.

2 . Download a synthesizer

Replace the basic Windows synthesizer with the excellent VirtualMIDISynth from CoolSoft

As you may have noticed, the sound reproduction of MIDI files is often disappointing.
This is due to the poor performance of the basic Windows synthesizer responsible to “interpret” your MIDI files.
Fortunately, you can significantly improve the sound quality by replacing it with another synthesizer, free, more powerful, and especially able to manage “banks of sounds” that contain samples of sounds of real instruments. (which is not the case of the synthesizer provided by Windows)

As explained in this article, in order to significantly improve the sound reproduction of MIDI files, you better replace the basic synthetizer provided by Windows, responsible for “(massacre) interpreting” your MIDI files, by another more powerful synthesizer, and especially capable of managing “sound banks” that contain sound samples of real instruments (which is not case of Windows one)
For more details, read this post.

The solution I use consists in replacing the basic Windows synthesizer with the VirtualMIDISynth synthesizer developped by CoolSoft.
But that’s not all, as explained above, you will have also to download a sound bank.
A sound bank is a file containing samples of sounds of real instruments.
A new synthetizer and a Sound Bank will change your mind about the sound quality of MIDI files.
Do not hesitate, the improvement is radical.

  • To go to the Coolsoft website and be sure to get the latest version of VirtualMIDISynth, click here.

Note :

VirtualMIDISynth installs as a new MIDI output device under Windows, so its use is totally transparent, and best of all, it can also be used from any application or video game that will improve its sound!