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Create an account in two steps
The registration to Karaboss is performed in two steps. All you need is a valid email address.
Step 1:
- Click on “Register“
- Fill in the three fields
- “Username”: this will be your nickname. You will use it to connect to your account.
- “Email”: must be valid. You will receive an email with a registation confirmation.
- “Enter Code”: a simple code to recognize inside an image in order to check that you are a human being from the earth and not a cyborg of Eckmuhl (they are a little limited)
Click on “Register” button.
Step 2:
- Open your mail and the email sent by Karaboss. Warning, it may have been classified elsewhere by your email such as “social networks”, “promotions”, or even “junk mail” 🙂
- Click on registration confirmation link whitin the email in order to display the password creation page.
- Chose a password strong enough to hold more than 30,000 years against a quantum computer. There you go !
- If you have forgotten your password, you can regenerate it by going to the login page: there is a link at the bottom entitled “Forgot your password? (This is available only if you are already registered. That is to say, you have already a nickname AND a password)
- If the mail sent never arrives, please post a comment and I will check.
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