How do I edit a song’s lyrics?
Karaboss lets you add easily lyrics to a MIDI file song, or modify the existing lyrics.
The syllables will be synchronized with the melody and will be displayed colored at the right time in the Karaoke window.
Listen to my advice, always use a copy of your original file. This will avoid many unpleasant surprises.
There are three possible cases:
- The file already has lyrics and you want to edit them. This is by far the simplest case. You just have to replace each syllable of the melody by a syllable of your “invention”.
- The file has no lyrics, but there is an instrument that plays the notes of the melody. We will rely on the notes of the melody to add the words syllable by syllable: a note = a syllable.
- The file is purely instrumental.
No lyrics, no melody. Good luck if you are not a musician.
1. Modify existing lyrics
You want to edit the lyrics of a karaoke song in order to correct them, or to make a pastiche of a known song for a birthday or a wedding.
This is by far the simplest case: just replace each of the existing syllables with other syllables and you’re done.
A short tuto is available here.
How to display the editing window?
Open the file to modify in “Edit” mode, or launch it by double-clicking on it from the Explorer window, and stop the MIDI player.
Display the lyrics editing window as follows:
- Either, from the player window when stopped, select the “Edit” menu> “Edit lyrics
- Either, from the Karaoke window (the one where the lyrics are displayed): click on the “Edit lyrics” button.
The window that appears allows you to replace existing lyrics with new lyrics.
Modify existing lyrics
You can replace for example “Summertime” by “Autumntime” in the following song.
Remplace the syllabe “_summ” by the syllabe “_Aut“, then the syllabe “er” by the syllabe “tumn” and let the syllabe “time” unchanged.
Some rules:
- Add a space to separate words (displayed as an underscore in the “Text” column)
- Click on the button “Insert a line break” to create lines.
- Click on the button “New paragraph” to distinguish verses.
2. Add lyrics to a melody
Your MIDI file has an easily recognizable melody. This time the mission is a little more delicate: You need to locate the track that plays the melody. This will allow you to use the timing of the notes to stall perfectly the syllables of the words.
Both formats are possible “lyrics” or “text”
Suppose we want to add lyrics to the file “Red River Valley.mid” which does not have any.
At this level, you must be able to identify the track that plays the melody (it is often enough to start playing the song and watch the track that plays the notes exactly at the right time.
We note first that the melody is played by track 2 (indicated Trk 2, Track 2 in English). It is important to find the right track, because we will synchronize the lyrics with the notes of this track.
Launch the Lyrics Editor:
Click on the “Edit” menu> “Edit lyrics”
Choose the synchronization track:
Select the melody track that will be used to synchronize the syllables of the lyrics. (check preferably “Lyric Format”, you will see the words appear under the notes of the track of the melody)
And that’s where it goes bad …
A window that seems complex at first glance appears and it is now a question of replacing the numbers of the column “Replace by” by the syllables of the song.
But you will see, it becomes clear as water of rock.
The idea is to type each syllable of the song in the boxes of this column “Replace with” and to add a space between each word (on the last syllable of the word) to separate them.
In short, I will type “From + space”, “this + space” etc …, that is:
and we get this wonderful result:
The text of the song is even displayed on the right.
Once you have typed the first line of the song (“From this valley they say you are going”), you have to add a “carriage return” before starting the seizure of the second line (“We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile “) otherwise all the text of the song will be on a single line
Simply click on the button “Insert CR”, which will have the effect of inserting a line “cr” in the table and will tell the Karaoke player to go to the next line when viewing the song.
Entering the second line can resume
will _
etc …
And if we click on the button record, we can see the lyrics appearing under the notes of the track of the melody …
3 – No lyrics, no melody
Well, the best way in my opinion, is to add a medoly first, using the score editor, and then you are in the second case.
So much for this first contact with this word editor.
And… good luck !
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